subota, 24. rujna 2011.

flowers tutorial

You can never have too many flowers, so here are some new tutorials :D

Cut one long strip..

..fold it, sew in the form of a triangle as shown, when you're done pull the thread and wrinkle it....Cut the leather or felt in a circle and glue it:
And that's it. You can use it as a ring, brooch, decoration on headband..

Again, cut one long strip :D
Sew it in the middle, pull the thread and wrinkle..
Fold it and glue on leather or felt..
And that's it :D

Take a strip..
..and sew it like this:
..and keep it up for about 2 meters. When you're done you should have this:
..glue it on leather or felt and that's it :)


11 komentari:

Alyssa - Live. Love. Craft. kaže...

So pretty! I love the last one!

MrsWardy88 kaže...

I'm totally making these!

Andjela kaže...

Obožavam cvetiće, i ovaj prvi prsten mi je prelep :)
Btw, blog ti je predobar, fenomenalni su ti tutorijali!

Anonimno kaže...

istina, cvitića nikad dovoljno! Zadnji je i meni naj :)

Prirodna kaže...

na mom blogu sam ti napravila malu promidžbu - guest post, jer je ovaj blog sa mnogo prekrasnih tutoriala vrijedan da ga svi vide i posjete....Svrati na

Nena3110 kaže...

Dopada mi se blog, svi radovi i tutorijali, i hvala Medenoj što me je dovela kod tebe.
Želim ti sve najbolje, i pratiću te redovno!

Marina kaže...

Izgleda baš jednostavno! :)

Olija kaže...

Sad sam našla tvoj blog! Predore stvari radiš, pratim :)

P. kaže...

hvala svima :)

Lenka kaže...

Preslatki su :)))

Creative corner with Nina kaže...

Prvi put na tvom blogu i vec sam zadovoljna time sto vidim.. ;))

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