Hello guys!
I'm lazy, I know. But this year, I'm finishing high school and trying to focus all the free time on it, in preparation for graduation and works for the entrance exam for the fax.
I am currently working on this tapestry, which is also my final work.I hope that everything goes great, and that I'll enter the fax I want, Academy of Fine Arts, the direction of professor of art history and art.
Tody, in sign of apology, I will give you one small tip for your rings, and new tutorial will be as soon as I find some time.
I ordered these two adorable ring from eBay, and I love them..
..but after a while they started getting those ugly reddish color like all other cheap jewelery:
Do you have that problem to? Well, if you do, here is solution.
Transparent nail polish!
Paint them, wait a few minutes to dry and enjoy your rings!
Možeš li staviti linkove ili imena prstenova pod kojima ih mogu tražiti?
OdgovoriIzbrišiTapiserija super napreduje! I mnogo je lijepa! nedostaješ nam!
naravno :) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Coffee-Cup-Girl-Antique-Retro-Personalized-Artificial-Bronze-Metal-Rings-New-/380372117701?pt=Gemstone_Rings&hash=item588ff1e8c5
hvala ti puno! i vi meni, nadam se da cu uskoro imati vise vremena za blog :)
Ah! No way! I did'nt even think of a nail polish! Thank you for the uselful tip. *headed to fix my rings* :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiObozavam stare zanate, i uopste zanate, rucne radove...Sva sreca te se ponovo vracaju a nadam se da vise nece padati u drugi plan. Tapiserija je super!